I checked google search engine and Bing search Engine both but for all things google search is best but for Microsoft product related things Bing is best search engine. Bing is best for Microsoft product because Bing search engine is owned and operated by Microsoft Corporation so you are from ERP field of Microsoft and facing any troubleshooting then you can search for solution in Bing it will give you good result. Google covers whole world product and you need to be expert on keyword for caching right result and day by day they are changing algorithm on searching. Mostly I search on google if its not related to ERP and Microsoft but if its Microsoft product then first I search on Bing search Engine. Advantage of Bing is that Bing is integrated with social media platforms like facebook,youtube other than its own social platforms. Google search engine advantage is its easy to search by country,time frame etc. Advance search option is best of google. Nowday go...
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