If you want to earn and learn from internet and you are serious in blog writing concept then next thing is you should get account from revenue sharing sites.
Good sites are only three Google,infolinks and kontra. need to try to get account from all three websites and link your blog url site to those revenue program.
Second thing is how much you can earn. So I will say that there is no guarantee that you will earn your salary but no doubt you can earn pocket money initially and day by day you can increase your earning.
Hard work on contents is required . You should be expert in at least one field. If you are good in story writing then write stories.If you are good in education then share articles which should be self written.
You should learn SEO from different sites and apply to your blog to give good quality contents.
Good sites are only three Google,infolinks and kontra. need to try to get account from all three websites and link your blog url site to those revenue program.
Second thing is how much you can earn. So I will say that there is no guarantee that you will earn your salary but no doubt you can earn pocket money initially and day by day you can increase your earning.
Hard work on contents is required . You should be expert in at least one field. If you are good in story writing then write stories.If you are good in education then share articles which should be self written.
You should learn SEO from different sites and apply to your blog to give good quality contents.