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Solved: How to Fix this error Earnings at risk - You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue.

How to Fix this error "Earnings at risk - You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue". for blogger and domain websites.

Even I set everything on my blogger blog site as per instruction given by google message still showing.


1., pub-000000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Put your publisher id in place of 000000000000000000 and go to blogger setting ->Search preference -> monetization->Enable custom ads.txt and paste code there. then save.

after some days error will go away.

2. Enable Custom robots.txt  to avoid any block to catch ads.txt changes.

3. In domain websites
 just upload / create ads.txt in roof of your site, with code provided by google .. it will take up to 1 or 2 days to "propagate" and reosove the issue.

Save changes and verify that it works by visiting

4. If your blog has 2 versions HTTP and HTTPS enabled. This may confuse Adsense crawlers  that your blog has multiple versions.

It is recommended that  to enable HTTPS Redirects to force users (& crawlers) to view your blog securely and in accordance to current web browsing behaviors. This will also allow correct redirects to secured pages.

Once doing so, your ads.txt errors notification will be dropped & dismissed at Adsense - after some times.

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